307091 / 1 / Rack Mount Vacuum Gauge Controller Used Working / Granville-Phillips / -
配送 Ship within 7 DAYS after payment received
保証 90 DAYS after shipped
状態 OEM: Used Working, Untested
0 個あります
- プロセス-
- ウエハサイズother
- 配送サービスExpress service (1 to 5 business days)
- 支払方法
- 商品詳細:
- Confirmed out of stock 2023/05/06 18:59:15 - LAYLA Support
CURRENTLY SOLD OUT : 2023/05/06 18:59:14 - LAYLA Support
Updated price from US$ 902.00 to US $902.17 : 2022/10/06 03:32:12 - LAYLA Support
14576 - スペック:
- Please use Contact The Seller to confirm availability before purchasing.
- 状態に関する詳細:
- 配送ポリシー:
- GENERAL SHIPPING TERMS All items will be securely packaged and shipped via traceable and insured UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS or select Freight Carriers. Shipping and handling times may vary based on the packing requirements, so please allow up to 5 business days for handling.
- 支払ポリシー:
- 返品ポリシー:
- Buyer pays for return shipping
- 配送時の注意事項:
- Shipping method / price to be negotiated at time of sale. The indicated shipping cost above is just an estimated shipping cost.