/ SPMP / Adsorption type Ammonia gas purifier / /
配送 Ship within 30 DAYS after payment received
保証 0 DAYS after shipped
1 個あります
- プロセス-
- ウエハサイズother
- 配送サービスEconomy service (more than 10 business days)
- 支払方法
- 商品詳細:
- Purification system. Achieve the removed of O2, H2O down to ultra low concentration through catalyst and adsorption
- スペック:
- 状態に関する詳細:
- Please contact us for non-standard gas specifications
- 配送ポリシー:
- 支払ポリシー:
- 返品ポリシー:
- 配送時の注意事項: